
La Forêt du Morvan is located between the places Autun, Chateau Chinon and Luzy. In addition to the normal facilities, various festivals and markets can be visited here in the summer. The area surrounding the campsite is hilly and very wooded; ideal for a walking tour or cycling tour for the experienced cyclist. The environment is very suitable for e-bikers!

Mont Beuvray is located in the immediate vicinity of the campsite. A well-known Gallic Museum has been established on this mountain: Bibracte. In the summer months, excavations are carried out here by archaeologists from all over Europe in which you can also participate.

There are also workshops and you can participate in tree climbing on the mont Beuvray. You can also go horse riding nearby.


About the Morvan

De Morvan is 50 km breed en 70 km lang en bestaat uit twee delen. Le Bas-Morvan; van Avallon in het noorden tot het Lac des Settons in het zuiden bestaat uit een plateau met hier en daar wat hogere delen, dat naar het zuiden hoger wordt.Le Haut-Morvan heeft een meer bergachtig karakter, hoewel de toppen nog tot het middelgebergte behoren. Hier liggen de Mont Beuvray (821m), de Mont Préneley (855m) en het hoogste punt van Bourgondië Le Haut-Folin (901m).

The Morvan has a friendly landscape: the calm green of the meadows with tree ramparts and groups of trees and bush, alternate with heathland, deciduous and evergreen forest, rocky altitudes and clefts, lakes, sparkling streams and rivers, which can flow both slowly and savagely.

The Morvan was already inhabited in the second century BC by an important Gallic tribe, they established themselves on the Mont Beuvray, in the settlement Bibracte. Julius Caesar conquered the Gauls in 52 BC and annexed the area into his Roman Empire. Around this time, Emperor Augustus founded Autun. In the Middle Ages town such as Vézelay, Autun, Avallon and Saulieu, flourished as pilgrim towns; still very visible by their majestic churches.